Exceed the prescribed content of alcohol (drink driving), drive while disqualified or suspended, drive without a licence, other driving offences.
including common assault, serious assault resulting in injury, stalking, serious assault not resulting in injury.
breach of violence order, resist or hinder police, breach of bond, suspended sentence, or community service order.
including theft from retail premises, receiving or handling the proceeds of crime, theft of intellectual property
possession, cultivation or dealing in illicit drugs
disorderly conduct, criminal intent, riot and affray, liquor and tobacco offences, offensive language or behaviour, cruelty to animals.
Obtaining benefit by deception, forgery of documents, dishonest conversion.
Graffiti, fire and explosion.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substance (DUI), Dangerous or negligent driving.
Misuse, unlawfully obtain or possess a prohibited weapon or explosive.
Aggravated sexual assault, child pornography.
Murder, attempted murder, manslaughter.
Offences under the Criminal Code 1995 (Cth).
Have you been charged? Are you a person of interest to police? Contact Shelly Legal for a confidential and discreet consultation with an experienced Parramatta Criminal Lawyer regarding your rights.